Mia Valenzuela Mia Valenzuela

A Guide To Decreasing Toxic Exposure in Your Home

The low-hanging fruit of detoxification is limiting our toxic exposure to begin with. Our industrialized world exposes us to thousands of known hazardous chemicals many that have not yet been tested for safety but may be the next BPA. 

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Mia Valenzuela Mia Valenzuela

Habits for Life

I have spent years studying the habits of people successful in their goals. What sets them apart is that they have daily self-care routines-usually scheduled in the morning as a means to prime the day. When you are able to succeed in even a menial chore like making the bed, it gives you a sense of accomplishment and control over your world and sets you up to move through more challenging tasks.

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Mia Valenzuela Mia Valenzuela

What to Expect in a Functional Medicine Appointment

It is a very familiar scenario: Visiting a conventional doctor, overworked and reckoning with brief time-slots, who is barely able to scratch the surface of your medical history and person. Also familiar is the running around consulting different specialists that rarely consult each other leading to massive confusion and wasted time. Many are told that their labs are normal but have the nagging sense that something “off” and are then told that it is “all in their head”. Sound familiar?

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Mia Valenzuela Mia Valenzuela

Exploring Functional Medicine in Davis

After a three decade survey in numerous modalities of holistic medicine I am excited to be delving into my practice of what I believe to be the future of medicine: The Functional Medicine Model! This astoundingly comprehensive and unified healing approach has the signature strength of spanning most health professions and bringing practitioners together in coordinated care. What a revelation!

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Joel Van Patten Joel Van Patten

The Regulating Properties of Sunlight and Darkness

Modern conditions hijack a good nights rest: It can be as simple as the use of overhead lights or checking email before bed, watching tv or reading from an illuminated tablet. In our industrialized culture, the constant exposure to these bright lights interrupt a delicate and ancient rhythm of hormones…

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Mia Valenzuela Mia Valenzuela

How To Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions

When it comes to health and longevity, most of us know what it takes:  You have to eat right, exercise, keep your stress levels down, get plenty of sleep, and maintain healthy relationships with the people you love.  Unfortunately, while these are attainable goals, often it is your own self and the temptations right in front of you getting in the way.

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Mia Valenzuela Mia Valenzuela

Why Am I Tired All The Time?

A Brief Introduction to Stress, Fatigue and HPA Axis Dysfunction

Most of us are intimately familiar with stress. Modern life demands everything from us: We are both parenting and caring for elderly parents, maintaining careers and meeting deadlines, keeping up with financial demands, nurturing relationships and all the while striving to maintain good health. We are attempting the impossible and ….

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